Monthly Programs

Monthly programs are executed across all Egypreneur Clubs, beside partnerships with other players in the entrepreneurship community to bring competitions, activities and programs to our members. Each club leadership customizes the monthly agenda according to their needs, below are the recommended formats:

Activity Frequency Description
Networking Events Monthly Various networking events at different scales
Peer Support Frequently Find who from within the network might be able to help, schedule and meet at Egypreneur Club
Coaching Sessions Monthly Come with challenges, leave with a plan, club manager schedule a coaching session and invite senior members and advisers
Business Circles Monthly Discussing specific industries, sectors or common topic following the Art of Hosting Principles
Mentor Salon Bi-Monthly Hosting an established entrepreneur for a one-on-one interview with club members
Book Clubs Bi-Monthly Choosing a business book to read each month and sharing the findings and extracting lessons to be shared with the network
ToastMasters Meetings Bi-monthly Starting Official ToastMasters Clubs across Egypreneur Club, practising and advancing your public speaking skills
Egypt Solutions Monthly Crowdsourcing and sharing solutions and potential projects for Egypt’s most pressing problems, Za7ma, Electricity .etc
Sports & Entertainment Monthly Some of the best trainers and training programs in town are available to help you lose weight or kick start your Parkour or ChessBoxing career
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